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英文解釈の思考プロセス 第153回


今回の題材は、2016年10月31日付の The Guardian 紙に掲載された、現MI5長官、アンドリュウ・パーカー氏のインタヴュー記事、’Increasingly aggressive’ Russia a growing threat to UK, says MI5 head  ”’日に日に激しさを増す’ロシアの諜報活動は英国の脅威となっている、とMI5の責任者は述べています” です。MI5(英国内で防諜活動を行っている(国外での情報収集活動を行っている組織はMI6))の107年の歴史の中で、現職の長官として初めて新聞のインタヴューに応じたパーカー氏がロシアの見えざる脅威について語っています。全文の和訳はオリジナルの次にあります。


‘Increasingly aggressive’ Russia a growing threat to UK, says MI5 head

Exclusive: In first newspaper interview given by a serving spy chief, Andrew Parker talks of terror, espionage and balance between secrecy and privacy

Andrew Parker said Russia was ‘using its whole range of state organs and powers to push its foreign policy abroad in increasingly aggressive ways’. Photograph: Jeff Overs/BBC/PA

Ewen MacAskill and Paul Johnson

Monday 31 October 2016 22.00 GMT Last modified on Tuesday 1 November 2016 02.05 GMT

Russia poses an increasing threat to the stability of the UK and is using all the sophisticated tools at its disposal to achieve its aims, the director general of MI5 has told the Guardian.

In the first newspaper interview given by an incumbent MI5 chief in the service’s 107-year history, Andrew Parker said that at a time when much of the focus was on Islamic extremism, covert action from other countries was a growing danger. Most prominent was Russia.

“It is using its whole range of state organs and powers to push its foreign policy abroad in increasingly aggressive ways – involving propaganda, espionage, subversion and cyber-attacks. Russia is at work across Europe and in the UK today. It is MI5’s job to get in the way of that.”

Parker said Russia still had plenty of intelligence officers on the ground in the UK, but what was different now from the days of the cold war was the advent of cyberwarfare. Russian targets include military secrets, industrial projects, economic information and government and foreign policy.

Parker said he was talking to the Guardian rather than any other newspaper despite the publication of the Snowden files and a consistent scepticism about the need for extra powers for the security services.

“We recognise that in a changing world we have to change too. We have a responsibility to talk about our work and explain it,” he said.

The spy chief also:

• Said that 12 jihadi terror plots had been foiled by the security services in the past three years.

• Identified the size of the homegrown problem: there are about 3,000 “violent Islamic extremists in the UK, mostly British”.

• Said that budget increases would see MI5 expand from 4,000 to 5,000 officers over the next five years.

• Rejected criticism that the investigatory powers bill, due before parliament this week, was going too far in enabling intrusive surveillance, arguing that it correctly balances privacy and security.

• Dismissed claims that Brexit would affect cooperation with European intelligence services.

• Said his aim was to equalise the gender balance in MI5 and recruit many more operatives from ethnic minority backgrounds.

“Russia increasingly seems to define itself by opposition to the west and seems to act accordingly,” said Parker. “You can see that on the ground with Russia’s activities in Ukraine and Syria. But there is high-volume activity out of sight with the cyber-threat. Russia has been a covert threat for decades. What’s different these days is that there are more and more methods available.”

Relations between the west and Russia have deteriorated since the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine and with Russia’s bombing of rebel-held positions in Aleppo in support of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad. Russia, in what was interpreted as a signal to the west, sent a formidable naval detachment through the Channel last week.

Parker said the Islamic extremist threat was also enduring and generational. He broke it down into three segments: a large homegrown problem of potentially violent extremists in the UK – most of them British – about 3,000 in number; members of Daesh (Islamic State) in the conflict zones of Syria and Iraq trying to incite terror plots against the UK; and Daesh trying to spread its “toxic ideology” and promote terrorism online.

Critics of the controversial investigatory powers bill, which went before the House of Lords on Monday, say it will offer the security services access to personal data, bringing a reality to bulk surveillance. Parker said the data was necessary in the fight against terror and he thought the government had reached the right balance between privacy and security.

A recent ruling by the investigatory powers tribunal concluded that UK security agencies had been unlawfully collecting bulk data – which may have included medical and tax records – for 17 years from 1998, in contravention of article 8 of the European convention on human rights. Asked if this vindicated Edward Snowden’s 2013 revelations about mass surveillance, Parker replied: “It absolutely does not.”

Parker was strongly critical at the time of Snowden – and of the Guardian for publishing the revelations. He said : “I spoke out at the time about the damage that was done to the work of British and allied intelligence agencies, about having so much about how we operate revealed to our adversaries. Secrecy is not something we need for its own sake.”

Before the interview, Parker was the surprise guest speaker at the Royal Society’s annual conference on diversity. He told the audience that the agency had practical reasons for needing to reflect the diversity of UK society. “We have to approach, cultivate and recruit people to be agents, to work for us. That does not work so well if everybody looks like me.”

Read the full interview with Andrew Parker on Tuesday in the Guardian newspaper or on the website from 7am

< 全文和訳例 >



”ロシアは、海外でその外交政策を推進する為に一段と積極的に国家のあらゆる組織と権力を用いています ― それには、プロパガンダ、スパイ活動、政府の転覆、そしてサイバー攻撃を含んでいます。ロシアは今日、欧州全域と英国でそれらの活動を実施しています。その様な活動を阻止することがMI5の任務です。”








*今週議会に提出される予定の調査権限法(Investigatory Powers Bill)は、個人のプライヴァシー保護と国家の安全保障とのバランスを考慮していて、政府機関による個人の私生活への過度の侵入を許すことになるとの批判は的外れです。





パーカー長官は、イスラム過激主義者の脅威も恒常的で世代を超えて広がっていると言いました。彼はその脅威を3つに分類しました:即ち、英国において約3000人に及ぶ潜在的な暴力的過激主義者 ― その大半は英国人 ― が存在しているという国内の問題; 次に、英国に対するテロを扇動しようとしているシリアとイラクの紛争地域におけるダーイッシュ(Daesh、イスラム国の別名)のメンバー;最後に、インターネットを通して”有害なイデオロギー”を広め、テロを推進しようとしているダーイッシュのメンバー、の三つです。

論争の対象となっていて、月曜日(10月31日)に貴族院(上院)に上程された調査権限法(Investigatory Powers Bill)に批判的な立場の人々は、その法律は保安機関に私的データへのアクセス権限を与えることになり、大々的な市民監視が現実のものになると主張しています。パーカー長官は、データはテロとの戦いの為に必要であり、政府は個人のプライヴァシー保護と安全保障との間の適切なバランスを達成していると思う、と述べました。

調査権限の合法性を審査する行政審判所による最近の裁定は、英国の安全保障機関は非合法的に大量のデータ ― それには医療の履歴や納税記録まで含まれている可能性があります- の収集を17年間に渡って実施していて、その活動は欧州人権条約の第8条に違反していると判断しました。そのことは、2013年にエドワード・スノーデン氏が保安期間による大規模な市民の監視活動を暴露した内容を裏付けているのではないかと質問された際に、パーカー長官は、”絶対にそうではありません。”と答えました。

パーカー長官は、政府による市民に対するスパイ活動をスノーデン氏が暴露した当時 ― そして、ガーディアン紙がその内容を紙面に公表した当時 ― それらの行為に非常に批判的でした。”当時、英国とその同盟国の情報機関の活動に対してもたらされた損害と、西欧諸国の敵に対して我々の活動範囲について如何に多くのことが公表されてしまったかという点に関して、私は声を上げたのです。活動や情報の機密性は、それ自体が目的ではありません。” と彼は言いました。


次回の題材は、2016年11月7日付の The Economist 紙に掲載されたエッセイ、Democracy in danger ”危機に瀕した民主主義” です。サブタイトルに How strong are the institutions of liberal societies?  ”自由な社会を支える機構や制度はどの程度強力なのでしょうか” とある様に、これまで民主主義の存立を支えてきた様々な社会制度や機構が、本来の機能を喪失しつつあることを指摘しているエッセイです。

To be continued.