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【English Cabin】TOEIC 対策専門寺子屋


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Essay Writing の思考プロセス 第21回


今回の Topic は、英検準1級2017年第3回の問題です。

1. Topic      

     Will humans live on other planets someday?


     Cost, Dangers, Situation on earth, Technology

2. Structure

a) Thesis Statement    

      Human beings will definitely live on other planets in the near future since humans already have appropriate technologies, funding, and feasible plans. 

b) Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 以前より火星は人類の居住が可能であると考えられてきた

第2 Paragraph 科学技術の発展は、数十年以内に火星への移住が可能であることを具体的に示している

第3 Paragraph 地球における人口の急増は、火星を含む他の惑星への移住を不可避にしている

3. Sample

     Human beings will definitely live on other planets in the near future since humans already have appropriate technologies, funding, and feasible plans. 

     To begin with, among the other planets in the solar system, Mars has long been considered as the inhabitable planet for human beings.  Located further away from the Sun, temperature on the surface of Mars should be much colder than that of the Earth.  Although Mars has atmosphere, it is so thin that humans couldn’t live without protective gears.  However, these obstacles would be addressed with the latest technologies.  With two permanent polar ice caps, water is available on Mars, which makes Mars the most promising candidate for human settlement.      

     In addition, based on reliable data and information, we feel confident that humans could live on Mars within a few decades.  Thanks to continued effort by several developed countries, such as the US and Russia, we have accumulated much knowledge about Mars.  For instance, NASA has already succeeded in having artificial satellites orbit Mars and the Curiosity and the Opportunity, car-sized rovers designed to explore the surface of Mars, landed and running.  Japan also plans to launch a rocket for sample return mission to one of Mar’s two moons in early 2020s.      

      Finally, as the world’s population is growing rapidly, migration to Mars will be the highest priority.  According to the United Nations, the population would swell to 9 billion by 2050, increasing requirements for food and water.  In light of this challenging problem, we have little choice but to migrate massively to Mars.  Space X, the American venture business led by Mr. Elon Mask, announced that it will send large cargo ships to Mars in 2020, and then other two ships on which astronauts will be on board, for the preparation for human settlement.    

     In conclusion, humans will surely live on other planets, especially on Mars in the near future because of the three reasons I mentioned above. 


To be continued.