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英文解釈の思考プロセス 第205回


今回の題材は、2017年11月12日付の The Guardian 紙に掲載された Chigozie Obima 氏によるエッセイ、Africa has been failed by westernisation.  It must cast off its subservience.  ”アフリカはこれまで欧米化を目指すことによって本来の長所を失ってしまいました。欧米からの頸木を断ち切らなければなりません。” です。サブタイトルに The continent’s elites have to reject the notion that being ‘modern’ and ‘civilised’ means aping the west  ”アフリカのエリート層は、’現代的’で’文明化する’ ことは単に欧米をサルまねすることではないと悟るべきです” とある様に、単に欧米の政治経済体制や文化の模倣だけでは伝統的なアフリカの価値観に根差した社会を構築することは出来ないと指摘しているエッセイです。全文の和訳はオリジナルの次にあります。



Africa has been failed by westernisation. It must cast off its subservience

Chigozie Obioma

The continent’s elites have to reject the notion that being ‘modern’ and ‘civilised’ means aping the west

Sunday 12 November 2017 18.50 GMT Last modified on Sunday 12 November 2017 22.00 GMT

One of the greatest ironies in the history of the collapse of any civilisation must be the initial interaction between Africans and Europeans. The Igbos in the east of Nigeria, for instance, initially saw the Europeans as madmen of strange appearance and ill-formed ideologies. On banking, the Igbos wondered how an adult in his right mind could hand over his possessions for others to keep for him. By the end of the 19th century, the “madman” had overturned their civilisation, and they had adopted his.

The irony is especially relevant in these times when, given the relative failures of most former western colonies, there have been renewed calls for recolonialisation. In September, American professor Bruce Gilley wrote an essay arguing for a recolonialisation of some states, replicating colonial governance of the past “as far as possible” and even building new colonies from scratch.

If the very foundations of his arguments are flawed, it is because he, like most people today, has come to accept that the only metric for measuring modernity is through the western lens. This is the heart of the problem.

This has resulted in Africa being slowly emptied of its essence, and becoming a relic

Colonialism across most of Africa was so thorough – especially among the former British protectorates – that in its aftermath Africa was essentially hollowed out. The civilisations of the peoples, their various cultures and traditions, their religions, political philosophies and institutions, were eroded or even destroyed.

Today most of the nations in Africa should not even be called African nations, but western African nations. The language, political ideology, socio-economic structures, education, and everything that makes up a nation, even down to popular culture, do not originate from within these countries. African nations have a total dependency on foreign political philosophies and ideas, and their shifts and movements.

It is the feeblest position a state and its people can be in, because it is a position of chronic subservience. It also means that whatever becomes normalised in the west will eventually be adopted in, say, Uganda or Togo.

This has resulted in Africa being slowly emptied of its essence, and becoming a relic, no different in substance from a statue or a museum.

Celebrations of Africa on the international scene mostly involve dancing, music, traditional fashion and other cultural artefacts – hardly ever showcasing African-originated economic ideas, social ideologies or intellectual theories. It is not that these do not exist, but the world has successfully convinced everyone – including Africans themselves – that everything African is inferior.

Central to this psychology is the proliferation of Africans being educated in the west. This trend has resulted in the rise of an army of western-influenced elites who continue the colonialism of their own people.

Imagine what can happen when an African nation with a high unemployment rate imbibes a gun culture. Consider the potential danger of a situation in Nigeria, where the Hausa man insists his culture is being appropriated by the Yoruba. Or the Christian Igbo embracing their identity, recruiting allies, and ostracising anyone who will not acquiesce with their cause.

But this is becoming Africa’s reality. Increasingly, our elites tell us that the way of the west is “modern” and “civilised”, echoing the early colonialists who dismissed our civilisations as “barbaric”, “archaic”, and “uncivilised” to install theirs. They tell us that our institutions are corrupt, that our societies are patriarchal, and that the African traditional religions are heathenish. As western supremacy entrenches itself in our psyche, we are developing a complex that embraces western ideas without considering whether or not they are compatible with our own political, social, economic and cultural system.

Although Americans may be rightly calling for “diversity”, given a history that excluded a major demographic population of black people, Nigeria’s struggle from inception has been how to unify its enormous diversity. It was the lack of that unity that resulted in the civil war of the late 1960s. This is the same for Angola, Rwanda and Uganda, to name just a few.

But this is of little concern to Africa’s elites. What matters is to find what the political currency is in the US or Europe, and to uncritically follow it. Whereas people in the west are de-emphasising patriotism and nationalism, Africans need these to build sustainable nations.


‘The most viable pathway would be for Africa’s elite to look within the vast political and ideological resources on which successful civilisations were built.’ Timbuktu in Mali. Photograph: Sean Smith for the Guardian

In fact, the lack of them, in favour of ethnic allegiance, has been the bane of most African nations, from Congo to Somalia: the result of the Berlin Conference of 1884, in which European leaders divvied up African territories among themselves, ignoring traditional ethnic borders.

In making a case about east Asia and citing the success of Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and others, Chinese philosopher Zou Shipeng argued that the west’s claim to its culture as the only pathway to modernity creates unfair hegemony. Is it possible, he asked, to achieve modernity solely through Chinese culture?

The Middle Eastern nations are another example of cultures that have accepted material modernity but have not been westernised ideologically. They have retained their political systems which, given their theocratic cultural framework, seem best suited for these countries. Every time western nations have tried to disrupt those systems and install a western-style democracy, it has failed.

This was also the case with the first two centuries of European contact with west Africans. The Portuguese and the Dutch traded with many west African tribes from the mid-15th century without colonising them. For 200 years, the Igbos had “Dane guns”, mirrors, and gins, among others, but held on to their own traditions and cultures. It could therefore be argued that the “modernism” orchestrated by western colonialism, isn’t organic to the Africans. Yet proponents of recolonialisation and the African elites fail to see this.

With the sudden unexpected rise in rightwing populism across the west, it is challenging to decide what a viable future may look like. One would think African nations would take this opportunity to think for themselves, to come up with unique African systems.

However, rather than do this, the African elite class largely insists that Africa is not western enough, and is trying to drag the continent, still grappling with western modernism, into the west’s evolving postmodernist regime.

The most viable pathway would be for Africa’s elite to look within the vast political and ideological resources on which successful civilisations (the Zulu, the Igbo, the Malian dynasties of Timbuktu, the Oyo empire, etc) were built. In most Igbo states, for instance, there was an egalitarian system where an older member of a clan represented his people in the elders’ council. There were no kings or presidents. Perhaps there could be a way to adapt this unique political structure to replace the western one which has so far failed.

We need to look into these systems and extract coherent policies that can help form workable and uniquely African social and political systems. This is the only viable path to preventing the continent from fully becoming western Africa – and the only way to ending the continent’s long-term political decay.

• Chigozie Obioma is the author of The Fishermen and An Orchestra of Minorities. He teaches at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

< 全文和訳例 >





アフリカのほとんどの領域における植民地化は徹底していたので - とりわけかつて英国の保護領だった地域において - 後に独立しても必然的に国家としての実質を伴わないものとなりました。種々の民族が築いたいくつもの文明、多様な文化、伝統、宗教、政治哲学と政治制度は弱体化し、あるいは破壊されました。




国際的なイヴェントにおけるアフリカ的な祭典は、その大半がダンス、音楽、伝統的衣装、そして他の大衆文化的要素に焦点を当てています-アフリカ独自の経済理念、社会イデオロギー 、あるいは知識体系を紹介する機会はほとんどありません。

ここでの真の問題点は、それらアフリカ独自の知的業績が存在していないということではなく、アフリカ的なものは全て欧米に劣っているという偏見を世界が皆に ― アフリカ人も例外ではなく ― 抱かせることに成功してしまったということです。



しかし、これらの不安は現実のものとなりつつあります。益々、エリート層は欧米の手法こそが ”現代的” で”文明化された”ものであると大衆を洗脳し、アフリカの文明を ”野蛮”、”旧態依然”、そして “未開” であるとして一顧だにしなかった初期の植民地主義者と同じことを繰り返しつつあります。彼らは、我々の政治機構は腐敗していて、社会は家父長的であり、アフリカの伝統宗教は異教的であると言います。欧米の優越性が我々の内部で確立されるにつれて、欧米の思想をそれらがアフリカ独自の政治、社会、経済、文化の体系と整合的であるか否かを考慮することなしに鵜呑みにしてしまうというコンプレックスを育んでいるのです。

アメリカ人は適切にも ”多様性” を求めている様ですが、アフリカ系アメリカ人を締め出してきた歴史を思い起こせば、当初よりナイジェリアの諍いは、如何にしてその多様な部族的要求を統合するのかということでした。1960年代末に内戦が始まった原因は、その統合に失敗したことでした。このことは、アンゴラ、ルワンダ、ウガンダ等、多くの国にそのまま当てはまります。



シンガポール、台湾、香港やその他の東アジア諸国での成功事例に言及することで、中国の哲学者 Zou Shipeng は、欧米の文化だけが現代化への唯一の途であるという主張は不公正な欧米優位主義を生み出したと主張しています。中国固有の文化だけを通して現代化は可能ではないか、と彼は問いかけました。


同じことが、ヨーロッパ人が西アフリカ人と最初に接触してからの2世紀間にも言えるのです。ポルトガル人とオランダ人は、15世紀の中期以降、植民地化することなく多くの西アフリカの部族と交易を行いました。その200年間において、イグボ族は ”マスケット銃(Dane Guns、オランダ製のライフル銃)”、鏡やジンなどを生活に取り入れましたが、民族の伝統や文化を維持していました。従って、西欧の植民地化によって組織的にもたらされた “現代化” は、アフリカ人にとって運命的、不可避的なものだったとは言えません。しかし、再植民地化を支持する欧米人やアフリカのエリート層は、この点を見落としています。




我々アフリカ人は、これらの政治システムを念入りに調査検討し、実行可能でアフリカ固有の社会、政治システムの構築に役立つ一貫性のある政策を実施する必要があります。これが、アフリカ大陸が欧米に隷属化することを防止する唯一実行可能な途であり - 長きに渡る政治的腐敗から脱却する唯一の途なのです。

To be continued.