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【English Cabin】TOEIC 対策専門寺子屋


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Essay Writing の思考プロセス 第97回


今回の Topic は、国連英検特A級、2010年度第2回の問題からです。

1. Topic                

       How can the UN better gather and distribute aid to victims of natural disasters?

2. Structure

a) Thesis Statement          

        The Secretary General should focus on integrating the concerted efforts of all the stakeholders so that the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) can better gather and distribute aid to victims of natural disasters.

b) Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 事務総長は、OHCRが自然災害の犠牲者に速やかな支援を提供できるべく関係各位を調整すべき

第2 Paragraph 更に、事務総長は加盟国等が緊急支援体制の拡充を図るべく要請すべき

第3 Paragraph 最後に、事務総長は市民社会及び企業に対して、速やかな支援体制を支える資金的援助の拡大を要請すべき

3. Sample

       The Secretary General should focus on integrating the concerted efforts of all the stakeholders so that the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) can better gather and distribute aid to victims of natural disasters.

       To begin with, the Secretary General should be at the heart of concerted efforts to prevent disaster risks and provide rapid humanitarian support with all the stakeholders.  In that regard, the OCHA is responsible for coordinating responses to emergencies.  The Office is expected to share necessary information with the stakeholders and make the most of the available resources from the disaster hit countries and the others parties concerned to facilitate the country-specific and context-specific implementation of relief aids.    

       In addition, the Secretary General could ask all the stakeholders, including Member States, NGOs, and private sector to increase the pool of available stand-by resources to ensure that the stand-by teams can be deployed as soon as possible.  For instance, in Japan, Technical Emergency Control Force (TEC FORCE), under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, has been dispatched to the areas where violent natural disasters inflicted severe damages on the local communities.

       Finally, the Secretary General, on behalf of the OCHA should ask civil society, especially business community to make financial contribution to the United Nations Central Emergency Respond Fund (CERF), managed by OCHA.  CERF is one of the fastest and most effective ways to support humanitarian response for people seriously affected by natural disasters.  Since CERF receives voluntary contribution year round to provide immediate funding for life-saving humanitarian action anywhere in the world, financial support by business community would be a great help for the effective and efficient performance of its function.  

       In conclusion, the UN can better gather and distribute aid to victims of natural disasters with the three ways I mentioned above. 


To be continued.