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【English Cabin】TOEIC 対策専門寺子屋


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Essay writing の思考プロセス 第9回


今回の Topic は、英検1級2015年第3回の問題です。


1. Topic     

    Will fossil fuels such as oil and gas still be the world’s main source of energy in the coming decades? 

2. Structure

a) Thesis Statement

   In my opinion, fossil fuels won’t be the main source of energy for the coming decades in terms of reducing energy cost and preventing global climate change.  

b) Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 化石燃料は将来のエネルギー需要に対応できず、代替エネルギーの必要性が高まっている

第2 Paragraph 風力、太陽光発電等のクリーンで再生可能エネルギーのコストは技術の進歩により著しく低下している

第3 Paragraph 化石燃料の継続的利用は、地球温暖化と気候変動を緩和し防止するという観点から望ましくない


3. Sample


     In my opinion, fossil fuels won’t be the main source of energy for the coming decades in terms of reducing energy cost and preventing global climate change.  

     To begin with, although the global energy consumption is expected to increase dramatically in the coming decades, production of fossil fuels won’t be able to keep up with the growing demand.  This excessive demand is certainly to drive up the price of fossil fuels, which will inevitably encourage both consumers and industries to look for alternative sources of energy.  Until recently, compared to fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, clean and renewable source of energy, including solar and wind energy, are considered to be expensive.   But the situation is changing rapidly.   

     In addition, fossil fuels won’t be able to maintain current status as main source of energy since they are losing cost advantages over other sources of energy, such as solar and wind energy.  It is true that crude oil prices are very low these days.  However, thanks to the significant advancements in technology, costs for generating solar and wind energy are becoming more and more affordable.  As a result, several energy companies are investing heavily in research and development for solar and wind powers.  And in contrast to fossil fuels, which are finite, they are infinite in natural environment.  Being clean and renewable, they have another advantage over fossil fuels.   

     Finally, consumption of fossil fuels is highly likely to decrease gradually in that they have had huge impact on global climate change.  As is often said, global warming and climate change are two of the most critical problems humans are facing.  By emitting carbon dioxide (CO2) whenever fossil fuels are burned, they are responsible for distraction of ozone layer.  Therefore, reducing the consumption of fossil fuels is essential for keeping ozone layer from deteriorating.  With growing number of people around the world aware of climate change, clean and renewable energy will certainly replace fossil fuels as main source of energy in the near future.  

     In conclusion, fossil fuels will never be the main source of energy in the coming decades because of the three reasons I mentioned above.   


To be continued.