TOEICの事なら!Best Value for Your Money! English Cabin

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【English Cabin】TOEIC 対策専門寺子屋


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Essay Writing の思考プロセス 第46回


今回の Topic は、Official Guide to the TOEFL の Independent Essay 第2問です。

1. Topic           

     Some students prefer classes with open discussions between the professor and students and almost no lectures.  Other students prefer classes with lectures and almost no discussions.  Which do you prefer?  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

2. Struture

a) Thesis Statement (Introduction)                

   In my opinion, each style of the lectures suits at the different stages of learning.  Therefore, a combination of discussion centric and lecture centric is the most preferable to me. 

b) Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 一般教養科目、専攻科目のいずれも入門レベルでは基本的な知識と理解を身に付ける必要があり、講義中心の授業が最適である

第2 Paragraph 入門レベルを終了すると、習得した知識と理解を現実世界の問題に適用できる能力の獲得が必要となる。この応用レベルではディスカッションを中心とするスタイルが適している

第3 Paragraph 大学院レベルでは、両者のスタイル組み合わせることで、更に高度な学問研究を目指す必要がある

3. Sample

     In my opinion, each style of the lectures suits at the different stages of learning.  Therefore, a combination of discussion centric and lecture centric is the most preferable to me.   

     To begin with, at the introductory stage, university or college students need to learn the outline of liberal arts and major subjects and then acquire broad and organized knowledge and understanding of each course.  For example, when students start learning political science, they have to be aware what they are studying and become familiar with basic technical terms about political science.  As a result, at this stage, lecture oriented classes are essential for achieving those goals.           

     In addition, if the students complete basic courses of the subjects, it is necessary for them to gain ability to adapt the knowledge to real world settings.  The students who have learned basic theories and knowledge of political science are expected to apply their learning to deal with many challenging political issues the world is facing today.  In order for them to develop the problem solving skills, case studies through discussions between the professor and the students should be most effective.       

     Finally, a combination of these two styles of classes is suitable for advanced level of education.  After completing four years’ of study at university or college, some students might go on to the graduate schools to further advance their studies.  The objective of graduate schools is to develop in each student an appreciation of knowledge and to provide intellectual stimulus for advanced study.  To that end, lectures aimed at acquiring sophisticated knowledge and opportunities to adapt the knowledge to case studies through discussion are crucial to meet this goal.      

     In conclusion,  these two types of classes are not mutually exclusive but mutually beneficial for any students.  Therefore, as I mentioned above, the classes which include the both styles are the most preferable for me.


To be continued.