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Essay Writing の思考プロセス 第11回


今回の Topic は、英検1級2016年第2回の問題です。

1. Topic     

    Should democratic nations actively promote the spread of democracy to nondemocratic nations? 

2. Structure

a) Thesis Statement

    In my opinion, democratic nations should make dedicated efforts to help spread democracy to nondemocratic nations so that individual freedom, social equality, and world peace could realize.

b) Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 非民主国家は民主主義化することで個人の自由の保障が実現できる

第2 Paragraph 少数の権力者に経済的利益が集中する傾向にある非民主主義国家に比較して、民主国家では社会的平等実現の点で勝っている

第3 Paragraph 対話を通じてコンセンサスを形成する民主国家が増えることで、世界平和の達成がより容易になる

3. Sample

  To begin with, since every democratic system depends on individual freedom, being democratic would liberate people in nondemocratic nations from political repressions.  For example, governments of nondemocratic countries become inevitably totalitarianism in which citizens are more or less deprived of personal freedom.  As a result, human rights, such as freedom of expression and pursue of happiness, are restricted.  Therefore, in order to get rid of, or prevent these uncomfortable and unreasonable conditions, democratic nations should take initiative to make nondemocratic nations democratic. 


     In addition, democracies have advantages over nondemocratic systems in progressing social equality.  With natural and human resources finite, each nation has to make the most of its precious resources.  In order to attain this challenging goal, in parliamentary democracy, representatives who are elected in free election could reach the agreement that would benefit people through discussion.  However, the same is not true of nondemocratic nations where few privileged elites control the nation’s most resources.  Therefore, adoption of democracy would play a vital role in developing social equality.   

     Finally, since democracies have developed a culture of negotiations and concessions to reach an agreement, world peace would be easier to achieve if more countries in the world appreciated this culture.  After the World War II, western democratic countries have adopted this decision-making process European-wide to avoid unnecessary conflicts.  As a result, leading Western European countries, including the UK, France, Germany and Italy, having fought among others numerous times, have succeeded firmly in developing peaceful relationships. 


     In conclusion, democratic nations have to make every effort to promote the spread of democracy to nondemocratic nations because of the three reasons I mentioned above. 


To be continued.