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Essay Writing の思考プロセス 第94回


今回の Topic は、国連英検特A級、2009年度第1回の問題からです。

1. Topic           

       What should the UN do to curb the political exploitation of the Earth’s polar regions?

2. Structure

a) Thesis Statement          

       The United Nations should curb the political exploitation of the Earth’s polar-regions through recommendations by the General Assembly on peaceful cooperation among the Member States with respect to Arctic and Antarctic region.


b) Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 総会は、南極条約の徹底順守を国際世論に対して訴える勧告を決議すべき

第2 Paragraph 更に、総会は北極海航路の航行の安全を確保する為の勧告を行うべきである

第3 Paragraph 国連は2015年の気候変動に関するパリ条約の着実な履行を通して極地の環境保全に努めるべきである

3. Sample

     The United Nations should curb the political exploitation of the Earth’s polar-regions through recommendations by the General Assembly on peaceful cooperation among the Member States with respect to Arctic and Antarctic region.   

      To begin with, the General Assembly should make recommendations on the observance of Antarctic Treaty System (ATS).  Today, Antarctic region around the South Pole is under the Antarctic Treaty system. Antarctic Treaty System is composed of Antarctic Treaty and related agreements by fifty one states which regulate international relation regarding Antarctic region.  The main objective of the ATS is to ensure in the interest of all humankind that Antarctic region shall continue forever be used for peaceful purposes such as scientific research.  

     In addition, the General Assembly should make recommendations on the security of freedom of passage in the Arctic region around the North Pole.  As a result of global warming, the Arctic sea has become navigable throughout the year.  It will be a promising sea route between Asia and Europe or North America.  However, Russia launched several military bases in the Arctic region.  This military threat to the freedom of passage in the region shall be an obstacle to the development of global trade among states located in the Northern Hemisphere.  

     Finally, the United Nations should make every effort to protect the natural environment of the polar-regions through the implementation of the 2015 Paris Climate Accord.  It has been reported that climate change has had negative impact in that huge amount of ice began to melt due to the rise of temperature.  This has caused not only the rise of sea level but also the decrease of the wildlife.  In this regard, the Secretary General, together with the General Assembly and the Economic and Social council, has to take the initiative to advance the commitment of the Paris Climate Agreement to address this critical issue.

     In conclusion, the United Nations has to make a great effort to curb the political exploitation of the polar-regions based on the way I mentioned above. 


To be continued.