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【English Cabin】TOEIC 対策専門寺子屋


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Essay Writing の思考プロセス 第14回


今回の Topic は、英検1級2017年第2回の問題です。

1. Topic     

    Should developed nations encourage immigration from other countries

2. Structure

a) Thesis Statement

    In my opinion, developed nations should encourage immigration from other countries since immigration is beneficial for developed countries in terms of economic growth, social progress and cultural diversity.

b) Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 移民の受け入れに積極的な先進国では、移民が貴重な労働力となり経済成長に貢献している

第2 Paragraph 先進的なアイデアを持つ移民は起業家となり、それらの企業が成長するにつれて雇用を創出している

第3 Paragraph 移民の流入は、先進諸国において文化的多様性への寛容性と民族間の相互理解を促進する

3. Sample

     In my opinion, developed nations should encourage immigration from other countries since immigration is beneficial for developed countries in terms of economic growth, social progress and cultural diversity.    

     To begin with, immigrants have played crucial role in economic growth for developed nations in that they are vigorous workforce.  One of the most challenging problems facing developed nations is the aging and shrinking workforce.  For instance, Japan, known as one of the least immigration friendly country in the world, has been suffering from workforce shortage due to both rapidly ageing society and low birth rate.   In contrast, developed countries such as the UK and Germany have enjoyed steady economic growth thanks to the labor immigrants, which is enabled by the free movement of people in the EU.    

     In addition, immigrants are not only source of workforce but also creators of jobs in technologically advanced nations.  Some of the immigrants are highly educated and have innovative business ideas.   They could make the most of their abilities in places where necessary resources are available.  In the United States, which is made up of immigrants, many high-tech start-up companies are founded by immigrants.  As those companies grow larger and larger, they have been offering many job opportunities for people in the United States, and then, in the other developed countries.  

     Finally, immigrants have given us chances to find the value of tolerance and mutual understanding.     In today’s highly interconnected and interdependent world, we need to be more tolerant towards ethnic and cultural diversity.  Motivated individuals with various cultural backgrounds should be essential for sustainable social and economic development.  Immigrants would bring in numerous unfamiliar cultures, from religion to cuisine or music.  By incorporating them into our social and economic system, we could gain strength and become cosmopolitans in true sense of the word.  

     It is true that immigrants sometimes take jobs from native workers and lower wages in developed countries.  But, since immigrants have had positive effects on economic growth in developed nations as I mentioned above, they should encourage immigration from other countries.


To be continued.