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【English Cabin】TOEIC 対策専門寺子屋


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Essay Writing の思考プロセス 第3回


今回の Topic は、英検1級2013年第3回の問題です。


1.   Topic  


     Does the mass media have a beneficial effect on society?


Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 社会情勢を正確に把握する上でマスメディアは重要な役割を担っている

第2 Paragraph マスメディアの論説欄は選挙の際に有権者が誰に投票すべきかについての判断材料を提供する

第3 Paragraph マスメディアは健全な民主主義の維持にとって不可欠である


 2. Sample

     In my opinion, mass media have positive effects on society in that they are still the most reliable source of news and opinions on political, economic and social matters.   

  To begin with, since the most important role the mass media play is to report the latest news in a timely fashion, we can keep up with what’s going on in today’s fast changing society.  With the Internet access available throughout the world, people have become able to update themselves as to virtually every aspect of human life, from international affairs to local topics, instantly and easily.  In this regard, traditional mass media have advantages over the other media in terms of factual reports because they come from reliable sources.  

     In addition, as the mass media cover not only factual reports but also opinions on social matters, we can count on these opinions when choosing candidates who best represent our interests and values in general election or presidential election.  Just like other industries, there is fierce competition in the mass media.  As a result, media companies need to distinguish themselves from their competitors by sending distinct messages to attract readers.  This so called free marketplace of ideas has educational effect to help us grow as citizens who support democracy.  

 Finally, the mass media are crucial to our society because they have had affected positively to maintain and develop democracy.  Conventional wisdom holds that freedom of expression is vital to liberal and democratic society because it enables us to monitor and criticize governments to maintain social justice and welfare.  Therefore, mass media, which exercise freedom of speech for the benefit of general public, are invaluable for our society.  Without healthy mass media, history has showed clearly that democracies are replaced with dictatorships.     

     In conclusion, the mass media have beneficial effect on society because of the three reasons I mentioned above.  


To be continued.