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【English Cabin】TOEIC 対策専門寺子屋


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Essay Writing の思考プロセス 第13回


今回の Topic は、英検1級2017年第1回の問題です。

1. Topic     

    Should restriction on freedom of speech ever be justified

2. Structure

a) Thesis Statement

    In my opinion, restriction on freedom of speech should be considered according to the characteristics of various expressions because they are different in terms of the benefits to societies and individuals.

b) Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 民主政を健全に維持する為に、政治表現について制限することは許されない

第2 Paragraph 商業的内容に関する表現の自由に関しては、その内容を制限する合理的な理由があれば許容される

第3 Paragraph いわゆる”ヘイトスピーチ”については、表現の自由の範囲を逸脱している為、その禁止も許される

3. Sample

     In my opinion, restriction on freedom of speech should be considered according to the characteristics of various expressions because they are different in terms of the benefits to societies and individuals.  

     To begin with, freedom of expression on political issues must not be limited anywhere, anytime in that it is indispensable for democracy.  In order for a democracy to function properly, there should be free marketplace of ideas in which diverse opinions are competing for gaining support.  It helps us develop our own stance towards politics through reviewing various political opinions.  Without this basis, electoral systems could be compromised, and then, democracy itself could begin to deteriorate.    

     In addition, restriction on freedom of expression in economic context could be justified to a certain degree since it is necessary for a government to protect people from false and exaggerated commercial advertisements.  In today’s highly competitive business environment, firms are tempted to overstate their products or services.  Therefore, if there are appropriate reasons for setting limitations for commercial expressions they should be implemented by the parliament.

     Finally, extremely aggressive expressions on personalities, races and religions in public spaces should be banned because those so called “hate speech” have little value and are intended just for insulting others.  And in most cases, those who express hate speech are less likely to accept different views and admit they are wrong.  It is true that even hate speech might contain specific political messages.  However, it’s possible to deliver them without making others overly uncomfortable.   

     In conclusion, as I mentioned above, restriction on freedom of speech should not be considered uniformly.  Restriction on freedom of speech on politics must not be justified.  On the contrary, aggressive expressions like hate speech in public places should be banned and as to commercial expressions, restrictions on them could be justified if there are reasonable bases.    


To be continued.