TOEICの事なら!Best Value for Your Money! English Cabin

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【English Cabin】TOEIC 対策専門寺子屋


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Essay Writing の思考プロセス 第18回


今回の Topic は、英検準1級2016年第3回の問題です。

1. Topic      

     Do you think that the government should provide more support for unemployed people?


    Cost, Job training, Motivation to work, Poverty

2. Structure

a) Thesis Statement    

    In my opinion, the government should provide more support for unemployed people so that they can acquire and develop skills required by their potential employers.  And the government should make the most of elder workforce that would work voluntarily without being paid.   

b) Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 政府は、雇用者側の高い期待に適うスキルを身に付けることが可能となる無償のトレーニング・プログラムを実施すべきである

第2 Paragraph 政府は、無償でも働く機会を求めている人々、特に高齢者が活躍できる仕組みを積極的に開発すべきである

第3 Paragraph 長期間に及ぶことも予想されるトレーニング期間中に自らをそして家族を養うこと可能となる様な財政支援(失業手当の拡充)を実施すべきである

3. Sample

     In my opinion, the government should provide more support for unemployed people so that they can acquire and develop skills required by their potential employers.  And the government should make the most of elder workforce that would work voluntarily without being paid.    

     To begin with, the government should implement free training programs for unemployed people so that they can meet the high expectations in today’s fast changing world.  Under the circumstances, unemployed workers without necessary skills and knowledge won’t have chances to be hired again.  Therefore, the government should take an initiative to institute advanced job training programs for unemployed workers, which provide them with opportunities to be familiar with advanced skills such as programming methods for controlling robots, data analysis, or financial literacy.    

     In addition, the government needs to help find jobs those who place higher values on social contribution and self-fulfillment rather than make a living.  There are many retired people who have acquired expertise in a variety of fields and want to work, especially for the society.  Unlike the unemployed people I’ve already mentioned, they would be happy to spare their time without being paid.  For instance, it would be very helpful for the community to add voluntary workforce which have adequate knowledge and skill set.

     Finally, the government also needs to extend unemployment benefits in order for those programs to achieve intended goals.  The more technologies advance, the longer time it takes for workers to be better prepared for them.  In this context, unemployment benefits have to be paid for a longer period than the current ones, which enables unemployed workers to get the most from those job training programs.  It is true that this would certainly drive up the budget for unemployment.  However, if a number of unemployed workers found decent jobs, the total budget could be decreased dramatically.  

     In conclusion, the government should provide more support for unemployed people because of the three reasons I mentioned above. 



To be continued.