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Essay Writing の思考プロセス 第93回


今回の Topic は、国連英検特A級、2008年度第2回の問題からです。

1. Topic           

      How can the United Nations help reduce ethnic tensions around the world? 

2. Structure

a) Thesis Statement          

       In my opinion, the UN can help reduce ethnic tensions through the progress in the implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, developing democratic values, and the initiative of the Secretary General and the Security Council.    


b) Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 2030持続可能な開発目標の実施における進捗は、民族間紛争の背後にある貧困や不平等を緩和できる

第2 Paragraph 国連は、民主的な価値観を多種多様な民族に育むことで健全なコンセンサスの構築を支援できる

第3 Paragraph 事務総長及び安全保障理事会のイニシアティヴによって民族間の不和が紛争や内戦にエスカレートすることを阻止できる

3. Sample

     In my opinion, the UN can help reduce ethnic tensions through the progress in the implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, developing democratic values, and the initiative of the Secretary General and the Security Council. 

     To begin with, the progress in the implementation of 17 goals encapsulated in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development should make a difference in helping reduce ethnic tensions at country level.  Generally speaking, behind every ethnic tension or conflict, lie pervasive poverty and growing inequality.  To address these challenges, the Secretary General rolled out new generation of country teams led by empowered resident coordinators to facilitate country specific implementation of 2030 Agenda because priority could vary from country to country.

     In addition, the UN can help countries and regions where prolonged ethnic tensions have posed obstacles to develop democratic values among the peoples.  In a democracy, any social issues are expected to be addressed in democratic political process, in which a wide variety of interests, especially the interests from all the relevant ethnic groups are negotiated to build national consensus.  If those ethnic groups became ready to make a compromise to achieve common good for the country in the process, ethnic tension would be significantly reduced.   

     Finally, if any ethnic tensions are likely to escalate, the Secretary General or the Member States shall bring the situation to the attention of the Security Council.  If the Council considers the situation might threaten the maintenance of international peace and security, it shall encourage the parties to engage in alleviating the tension or adjusting the dispute through the methods for peaceful settlement, such as negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, mediation, and judicial settlement.   

      It is true that most ethnic tensions and disputes have prolonged historical backgrounds which make it difficult to achieve this goal.  However, as I mentioned above, the United Nations concerted effort will certainly reduce ethnic tensions.    


To be continued.