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Essay Writing の思考プロセス 第102回


今回の Topic は、国連英検特A級、2013年度第1回の問題からです。

1. Topic                

        What is the UN’s peacekeeping role and how does Japan support these efforts?  

2. Structure

a) Thesis Statement          

        The United Nations peace keeping operations (UNPKO) has played crucial role in controlling conflicts and promoting peaceful settlements of disputes.  Japan has contributed to the UNPKO since 1992, monitoring cease-fire, removing landmines, and supporting logistics for operations. 

b) Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 国連の権威を背景とするPKOは、紛争地域における平和維持に重要な役割を演じている

第2 Paragraph 更に、PKOは紛争の再発を防ぎ、恒常的な平和を築くことを支援している

第3 Paragraph 日本は1992年以来、主に兵站活動を中心としてPKOに参加してきた

3. Sample

       The United Nations peace keeping operations (UNPKO) has played crucial role in controlling conflicts and promoting peaceful settlements of disputes.  Japan has contributed to the UNPKO since 1992, monitoring cease-fire, removing landmines, and supporting logistics for operations. 

       To begin with, together with the United Nations moral authority and the support of the world public opinions, the UNPKO has had very positive impact on peacemaking in conflicted areas.  Although peacekeeping is not specifically described in the present Charter of the United Nations, it has evolved over the past seven decades as an internationally accepted way of controlling conflicts.  Thanks to the Secretary General’s Action for Peacekeeping initiative, at this point, 9 military units from 15 troop contributing countries are ready to be deployed within 90 days.     

       In addition, the UNPKO is crucial to peacebuilding and preventing disputes and conflicts from recurring.  The UNPKOs have been deployed to help reduce tensions in troubled areas, keep opposing parties apart, monitor ceasefire agreement, and crate conditions for sustainable peace after settlements have been reached.   These roles have helped host countries and neighboring regions to concentrate their effort to return daily life back to normal, without which, it is impossible to achieve sustained economic growth and lasting peace.         

       Finally, Japan has joined the UNPKO since 1992, when it adopted Peacekeeping Operation Law (PKO Law).  And it’s important to note that Japan has been the third largest financial contributor to the UNPKO, next to the US and China, which are the permanent members of the Security Council.  In order for the UNPKO to be effective, it must be properly resourced and equipped.  To that end, it requires huge amount of financial resources.  Given the fact that over a third of the U NPKO doesn’t have enough cash resources to cover its costs, Japan’s financial contribution to the UNPKO is crucial.             

       In conclusion, the UNPKO has played significant role in controlling conflicts and Japan has contributed to the UNPKO since 1992 as I mentioned above. 


To be continued.