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Essay Writing の思考プロセス 第8回


今回の Topic は、英検1級2015年第2回の問題です。


1. Topic   


    Can international terrorism ever be eliminated?


2. Structure

a) Thesis Statement

 In my opinion, international terrorism can be eliminated because it is possible to remove fundamental causes, such as poverty, political instability, and culutural and religious maginalization,  which let desperate people take violent actions in order to achieve their goals.

b) Body の部分を構成する3つの Paragraph の Main Idea は、

第1 Paragraph 世界で最も貧しい地域の経済状況を改善することで、国際的テロリズムを弱体化し得る

第2 Paragraph 更に、それらの地域の政治が安定する様に国際社会が支援することで、国際テロリズムはその役割を終える

第3 Paragraph 世界が文化的、宗教的多様性により寛容になることで、それらの面で迫害されている少数派が国際テロリズムに訴える必要性は消滅する


3. Sample 

     In my opinion, international terrorism can be eliminated because it is possible to remove fundamental causes which let desperate people take violent actions in order to achieve their goals.  

     To begin with, international terrorism can be reduced by improving economic conditions of the poorest areas in the world, where people are suffering from unemployment and very low wages even if they have jobs.  It is true that globalization has helped hundreds of millions of people emerge as global middle class.  At the same time, however, globalization also has left several areas in Middle East, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa behind economic growth.  If we help them improve their standard of living, they don’t need to take extreme measures to get out of these tragic situations.  

      In addition, if we could also improve those areas’ political stability, international terrorism should finish its role.  Historically, there have been numerous civil wars, regional conflicts and military coups, under which circumstances foreign powers have been interfering in an attempt to gain control over those areas.  Therefore, if combined efforts of international organizations and the interested parties succeeded in ceasing these dead-end situations, international terrorism would inevitably become unnecessary.  The United Nation’s Peace Keeping Operations have been successful in this regard.  

     Finally, developed nations need to tolerate different cultural and ethnic values, especially various religious values in developing nations, if we would like international terrorism to be eradicated.  Sometimes, international terrorism could happen if desperate people felt marginalized not only economically but also culturally.  So, if people in developed countries became more appreciative of ethnical and cultural diversities, people in minority groups would feel that they are treated fairly so that they won’t have to take violent actions like terrorism.           

     In conclusion, international terrorism can be eliminated because of the three reasons I mentioned above.